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Bundle of 10’000 POPPT – Profit Participation Token | Price: USD 10’000.00 per bundle

Bundle price: USD 10’000.00 per bundle
HODL strong. The greatest opportunity – because you know exactly what sells. XOXO!

Price per token USD 1.00. | Bundle price = Bundle size  x USD 1.00

Terms & Description

This bundle represents 10000 (tenthousand) POPPT, profit participation tokens to POPPT platform(s) and entitles the holder to participate in the net profit of the project chosen for its tokens on the POPPT platform (eg. The amount of the distribution is determined annually by the general shareholders meeting and paid out in POPPT tokens to the wallet address and amount submitted at the time of purchase. If the buyer chooses to select for it’s tokens, Payment in USD is possible upon request, to provided that the general shareholders’ meeting decides to give a profit share in general. Payouts within 30 days after the general shareholders’ Meeting. No payouts will be made until 31.12.2024. The goal of is to build and operate the project profitably and to place it profitably on the stock exchange or with a buyer within the next 8 years either via an IPO (Initial Public Offering) or via a private placement of the project. In case of an IPO or private placement of the project in the future, token holders will be offered a plattform to exchange POPPT for shares using their tokens trough this POPPT Platform (eg. The offer will be sent in a timely manner to the email address on record at the time of purchase. The terms of exchange or repurchase will be determined by the general meeting and are based on the fact that all tokens from this issue “1.2023” in total include the possibility of exchange at 15.9% of the value of the entire project. | Issue: 1.2023 of 100 million POPPT. Further lots with additional tokens can be issued.